He Woke Up Like Darth Vader! How One Machine Turned My Dad Into A Science Fiction Character (And The Little Device That Freed Him)

“Masks are fine for Halloween, but I shouldn’t have to sleep with one at night!”

My dad woke up night after night, tearing and clawing at his face, freaking out at the forced air being pushed down his throat.
It was awful, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
Stan (my dad) had serious snoring issues and no matter what he tried, nothing could fix it.
Some people can just lose weight and that helps.
Other times, people can elevate their head with pillows.
Not my dad, for him, snoring was a way of life.
“Your father snores so loudly that the neighbors can hear him,” my mom used to say.
So, after losing like 25 lbs. and practically sitting straight up at night while he slept, they got him a anti-snore machine.
And it worked…in the worst way possible.
Not only did he stop snoring…he stopped sleeping altogether!

The anti-snore Journey

My dad’s anti-snore journey was a nightmare.
“I have to wear a mask just to get some sleep,” he complained.
The first one he tried was way too small.
He was like Goldilocks, looking for the mask that was “just right”.
Then, when we finally found the right size, he still had a bunch of problems with it.
He complained about how hard it was to deal with the forced air, then he complained about how dry and stuffy he got because of it.
He actually had problems falling asleep with the mask on,  saying he felt “claustrophobic”.
“It’s so loud and noisy!” he complained every time I saw him.
Then we started having further problems with his mask, even though it fit! It started leaking, his skin was irritated, and he even got a pressure sore.
That was it. He was done.

Worst Night Of Sleep Ever

Then, one night, it all came to a head.
He was exhausted from his weeks-long struggle to make the mask work.
Finally, he made himself extra tired by hitting the gym hard and drinking some warm milk before bed.
He went to sleep…then the worst happened.
We heard him scream around midnight. He was tearing his mask off, struggling to breathe, completely freaked out by the machine.
I ran downstairs to see what was wrong, and I saw him stagger out of his bedroom.
His eyes were wide open, he was sweating, and he seemed really upset.
He threw his mask across the room and said “Masks are fine for Halloween, but I shouldn’t have to sleep with one at night!”
He was overwhelmed with the mask on his face.
The dry mouth, tight straps, rash from how it rubbed his head, sore throat…it was all too much.
That’s when it all changed.

Trying To Find The Right Solution To Stop Snoring


I started to dig into better ways to keep my dad free from snoring.
I discovered some shocking facts about people who struggle with loud snoring partners.
Recent reports indicate that up to 25% of Americans prefer to sleep in a different room than their partner, just to avoid their snoring.
That seemed crazy to me, but when I heard my mom’s description of the problem, I understood.
“It’s like he’s trying to wake me up every night! Even if I fall asleep first, I still don’t get a full night’s rest,” she told me.
So, I had my task - find a anti-snoring solution that didn’t involve a mask.
Oh man, this was gonna be tough.


Dynamic Discovery


I invested a ton of time trying to help my dad. It became a second job for me.
I scoured the internet, looked at social media, called friends, and read blogs written by sleep institutes & experts.
My dad tried all sorts of “old wives’ tales” and even did the hypnosis thing, but nothing worked.
That’s when I discovered something totally by accident.
I was actually in a mattress store trying to buy my parents a big fancy mattress that would let him get into different positions so he could stop snoring.
I told an employee I liked their watch and he looked at me funny.
“Oh man, I forgot to take my Sleep Connection off again,” the man told me.
“Sleep Connection,” I said, “what’s that?”
And his answer changed my dad’s life!

Sleep Connection is an anti-snoring device that fits on your wrist instead of on your face. It uses state-of-the-art technology to stop snoring while wearing it.
You wear it like a watch and is designed to fit comfortably on your wrist and be comfortable for your wallet!
And most importantly, it works!
Sleep Connection uses a sensor, the device recognizes when you begin to snore and sends a
bio-electrical pulse to your wrist to gently wake you up.
If it detects the user is snoring, it emits sensory feedback which stops the snoring and allows the user to get restful sleep, all without creating chaos or waking them up.
There are no harmful aftereffects or discomfort, just a great night’s sleep for everyone.

Finally An Answer

So, after all the other “solutions” failed, I finally found something new to try.
With hope in my heart, I bought my dad a Sleep Connection wristband and prayed it would do the trick.

Hard At Work…Sleeping!

So, after my dad used it for one night, I came downstairs for breakfast.
Normally, my mom looks terrible and my dad looks angry, but they were both smiling while sipping their coffee!
I asked, “What happened?”
My mom, no joke, started crying.
“It worked! The Sleep Connection worked!”

Why Is Sleep Connection Unique?

See, what separates Sleep Connection from other devices is that it can detect snoring and sends a slight impulse that gets the user to change positions.
No masks, no pills, no white-noise machines...just an easy-to-wear wristband that makes sure everyone gets the rest they need!

Sleep Connection Vs. The Competition

Get Your Sleep Connection Today

If you’re struggling with snoring, or worse - if your loved one is and you can’t sleep anymore - YOU NEED A SLEEP CONNECTION.
In fact, if you act right now, you can get up to 50% off!
That’s right: the least expensive, one of the most effective anti-snoring devices on the market is half off!
Get one today and transform your life just like my dad Stan.

Click here to claim your 50% discount - Free worldwide shipping for a limited time >>

Customer reviews

My husband’s snoring just kept getting worse! The only time I got any decent sleep was when he slept on the couch. But thanks to the Sleep Connection wristband, everything has changed! It stopped my husband’s snoring overnight! I’m sleeping like a baby, thanks to Sleep Connection! 
Cassandra R · Miami
I’m a retired grandfather, and over the years I’ve started snoring more. Not only did my snoring drive my wife crazy, I’d always wake up with a dry mouth, bad breath, and sometimes even a sinus headache! Sleep Connection made all those problems disappear! My snoring is gone forever!
Richard T.· Scottsdale
My own snoring would wake me up nearly every night. I tried medicines and those little strips you put on your nose. None of them worked. Then I tried the Sleep Connection wristband on the recommendation from a friend. That very night I slept without waking up once! I have a ton more energy than I used to, and I feel better, too! 
Jessey B· Sioux Falls

Act Now

Look, don’t lose another night’s sleep.
You owe it to yourself to get the rest you need.
And you owe it to your loved ones to let them sleep too!
Get the Sleep Connection today!

ATTENTION: Sleep Connection has recently become a #1 Best Seller For People Seeking a device to stop snoring. Because of this, inventory remains low. ‍ That means if you’re reading this right now, then you’re one of the lucky few who will get to take advantage of this factory-direct offer… ‍ However, if you leave this email without securing your order, we cannot guarantee you’ll be able to order Sleep Connection at this price in the future.

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